Monday, October 18, 2010

fall semester post break

I slipped in and out of the office today as if on a stealth mission. Getting a few thousand miles away for a few days makes you realize that you should do it more often. Nothing blew up; no one required serious first aid, and I had a great time. So I slipped in, taught my class, listened to some voice mail, went to pilates (core somewhat suffering from pain au chocolat) and came home. Everyone here seems to have thrived in my absence. Teenagers are a miraculous thing. They just keep sleeping, eating cheezits, and making you glad you have the family unlimited texting plan.
Saturday night I engaged in extreme jet lag therapy. Prior to my departure Craig asked if I wanted to join him to see Bob Schneider (no relation) right after my return from Paris. Why not? Keen to see this guy that he finds so compelling. But I did not realize that compelling guy would not actually mount the stage until well after 11pm. I know that sounds provincially early, but I was running on fumes. Fortunately, the floor was so sticky with spilled drinks that I couldn't have fallen over if I had wanted to. And he was great. A true performer, master of many genres. And Craig was so tickled by his antics that I perked up and actually boogied a little. Of course, not possible to get a glass of red wine. Craig seems to take me to these places where they are not sure what that is and if they were to dig up a bottle you might best run from it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

11 hour flight to a different world

As soon as I got back I headed for Millcreek Canyon to check out the fall colors. Here are some pictures of my solitary walk up the Bowman Fork Trail.