Saturday, June 14, 2008

When the self is beyond self help

Awhile back, Alison launched her periodic series profiling a self help book. I too have a weakness for such tomes -- not that they do much good. Here is what I found this morning when I was looking for a shower cap for Catherine:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another baby in my orbit

Well, if its not enough that both my sisters and my sister and law have new babes in the last year, my friend Ellen has also popped one out. Here she is at their first dinner party!


Here are pictures of 1) Sam as king of his class's medieval banquet; and 2) his most favorite thing at the moment: fish in his fish tank.


Just back from an afternoon of shopping with Catherine. She is off to Quebec next week for a school trip and we both decided that it really wasn't on to have her walking the fashionable streets of Montreal and Quebec City in her year old sketchers the sides of which have ceased to be attached to the soles. And then there is her underwear situation and her collection of tops... And what 14 year old's wardrobe is complete without a peace sign necklace...? Mission mainly accomplished although we didn't succeed with shoes because we couldn't find her size in the ONLY acceptable pair (according to her).
I will now attempt to order them online for a rush delivery, because according to her friend Niki (the vegan, wiccan): "your mom rocks".