Today Ellen and I had signed up to attend a 3 hour Bikram workshop. A guru woman was in town from Boston to teach it. She had been advertised as a person who takes cripples and gets them bikram-ing like mad. So, I get up this morning and Craig says he'd like to join us. There were about 35 of us at the workshop and it was great. The usual class is 90 minutes so this was working through the poses and getting feedback and answers to questions. Craig was singled out and dubbed "new guy" because he was the only one in the room who had never been to a class. He was like a human piece of positive reinforcement for the instructor. He is naturally quite flexible and in the distant past did a lot of yoga so is familiar with some of it. But she would come over and coo about "you see, the new guy just trusts his body and just goes with the pose." Sickening. Anyway, I got up my courage to ask a question regarding pose: hands to feet:

Anyway, you have your knees bent and then you are supposed to cup your heels with your hands and straighten your legs. Ultimately you end up looking like the people above. Problem. Cannot cup heels no matter how bent my knees are. So she comes over and we work at it a bit and she concludes that I just have to hold my ankles and keep working towards my heels. There is absolutely no question that I can straighten my legs. I stand up and she says to everyone (and this was fine, because it was clear already that the class was about seeing what different anatomy means for the poses): "Well, of course she is having trouble. Look at those legs. They are long, the torso is short and the arms are short." at which point she gestured to the length of my forearms versus my legs. So I have spent the rest of the day integrating this limb issue into my understanding of my general inflexibility which I had attributed to my tight hamstrings. Meanwhile, Craig bends over, cups his heels and straightens his legs. God love him.