Saturday, November 1, 2008

higgledy piggledy

Went to a charming place for lunch - again one of the big changes in Russia, that there are charming spots for a quick lunch. But our waitress was pure Soviet style. She didn't crack a smile and brought everything in random order. First we got our bruschetta, then came our drinks when those were almost done, finally the soup. Everything was delicious. Today it turns out is a work day. November 4th is the big holiday and since it falls on Tuesday and they want to give a long weekend they made Saturday a workday this week and people have Monday off.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Moscow bound

First blog about the trip to Russia and this is all about stuff prior to even hitting Russian soil. How do you know your flight is Moscow bound? Oh, maybe it could be the numerous carts of duty free groaning under the weight of bags and bags of alcohol being wheeled to the boarding gate. I mean, usually, there is some employee standing there with a few forlorn items, but this was like a Turkish bazaar (if I had ever seen a Turkish bazaar). Second item that differentiates your Moscow boarding lounge at JFK, from say, the one where the flight is going to Venice or Athens… the hulking great immigration officers with their deportees (similarly hulking, but much shorter). Then I get in line and I am at the end of the line and a Russian couple cuts in front of me!!! I mean how much did they gain? I was at the end of the line. Actually, I think they had no idea they had done it so ingrained is the need to cut in line. I am sitting next to a Russian woman who has been reading the duty free catalog for several hours now. I am not kidding. I guess she missed out on the free for all prior to boarding. Annoyingly I cannot fall asleep. I slept like a log from Salt Lake to JFK and now, wide awake.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

would the super mom please stand up

I spent the weekend sewing a bunny suit for Sam. Yes, my 12 year old boy wants to be a 12 year old sized bunny rabbit for Halloween. The suit is white fleece with mittens, spats, and a hood with floppy ears. He intends to wear the suit part as pajamas after the big day. Catherine asked him if he was planning to cut off the bobbly tail and he said, no.