Monday, April 30, 2007

Department seeking chair

"Do you feel a rising sense of nausea, or are you at all intrigued?" asked my Dean. And so began a tenure as Department Chair - actually Co-Chair, since a colleague and I are going down in the annals of academe as one of the rare experiments in shared governance. The official takeover isn't until July 1st, a date by which we will have both managed to be conveniently out of the country. The current Chair seems to manage largely in absentia so we thought we'd give it a go... Until then, there is an endless round of meetings to "get up to speed." This is useful since as everyone knows, academics largely self-select for absence of administrative skills. Indeed I believe an interest in things beyond Slavic linguistics probably marks me as a lost cause researchwise. Upon general announcement of our appointment at least one of my senior colleagues mitigated congratulations with the comment that "I knew you wanted to Department Chair" -- read: I saw something unseemly about you and lo and behold it has come to pass. Nonetheless, I am -- to mimic my undergrads -- psyched! Which reminds me that one of my junior colleagues, viewing such enthusiasm, asked if I was planning to have an MRI. I don't know why embracing departmental leadership is viewed as such a bizarre act, but it seems a prevalent reaction so stay tuned. There may be mental breakdown in my future.
For now, I am excited to be learning how things really work and thrilled to have the chance to work with my colleagues to fashion a 21st century department we can be proud of and excited to work in.


Alison Williams said...

It is a bizarre act because academics are such a bunch of naughty felines!! Today, I am planning my knitting project for tomorrow's departmental meeting...

Your sister, an arrogant cat :-)

Anne Richards said...

Hey Chairdaughter,

You are terrific and it's great that you are blogging. You write very well but you probably know that. Your mother loves you.

Queen Mother

Underground Man said...

Dear Chairitable, Let me quote from Gogol’s Dead Souls.
“Generally we are somehow not made for representative meetings. In all our gatherings from the peasant community [substitute “untenured faculty”] level up to all possible learned and other committees, unless they have one head [substitute: “the esteemed Chairitable”] to control everything], there is a great deal of confusion. It is even hard to say why this is so; evidently the nation [substitute “our department”] is like that, since the only meetings that succeed are those arranged for the sake of carousing or dining.”