Wednesday, June 6, 2007

At last an update

I don't have the hang of posting regularly yet and fear that I shall lose my miniscule audience! So here is a little update. The children are out of school for the summer and it is the time of year when I get wiggy according to Craig. I can't bear to see them splayed sloth like in front of the TV, xbox or computer, but seem to lack the wherewithal to keep a constant assault on this slothdom. Miraculously, the past few days have been like a dream come true for me. In fact, as I write this I can hear C, S and a friend downstairs playing a furious game of monopoly. This has been going on for hours, interrupted only by a trip to the bowling alley. It is pouring with rain so have roasted vegetables for dinner which seems hugely unseasonable for June in Utah.
I have, of course, been following the baby updates. Arrival of new niece in California -- finally someone bearing the Hacking last name for the next generation. And of course we have all been avidly been following Alison's blog (or was that boobs?). I am enjoying these pregnancies vicariously. Daniel is over the moon about Olivia and I don't have to contemplate a sleepless night!

1 comment:

Underground Man said...

Having just yelled at my kids about their lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer I feel much better that you have the same response!