Friday, January 4, 2008


Eric has been cleaning out his office and has found a few gems worth blogging about. These fall into the category of: and I thought I was insane, but...
Who knew that in the mid 90s, our department offered ski/conversation classes. Yup. You could get credit for skiing in German, skiing in Italian, etc.
Here's a gem from some 1994 meeting minutes:
The following amendments to the Merit Committee document were approved:
b. that there be a sliding scale...
c. that the sliding scale be eliminated...

It also turns out that the department voted on all sorts of things that never actually got put into practice.

What fun.

1 comment:

Homestead Mom said...

I popped in from Brighton Penguins. I am one of the upstate moms she links to. I am getting a huge kick out of your blog, having spent the last 7 years as the executive asst to the dept chair of a large, well funded dept in a huge and expensive pseudo-Ivy league university. I am the institutional memory for a very stressful and amusing dept.

It is amusing that faculty collegiality is one of the identified perks of working in this dept, and we had weekly faculty lunch meetings attended interestingly, if not happily, by all faculty (and me).

I just gave notice to stay home with our babes. Most days this feels like a promotion.