Friday, March 7, 2008

out of the mouthes of babes

Wednesday Sam and I were driving to his indoor soccer final, and he asked from the back seat: "What's the difference between Democrats and Republicans?" Well, I answered, there are basic ideas about life and how we live that one can generally attribute to each of the parties. I hazarded that Republicans on the whole believe that people are responsible for themselves and their own well-being. At this point, Sam said, "Oh, so if you're poor, it's your fault?" Well, yes. Certainly it isn't really the government's job to sort you out. Democrats on the other hand, I suggested, felt that society as a whole might take some collective responsibility for everyone's well-being. He said something about this making sense because some people have a harder time. I asked him if he knew the phrase "level playing field"? "no". So I asked him to picture playing soccer on a hill where his team had to kick uphill to the goal - that wouldn't be fair would it? The idea of course being then to explain the metaphor in societal terms. But, he countered, "Yes, but at half time you switch sides". Ah, but there's the rub my boy. In life there is no half time. He's a thoughtful little bugger.

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