Saturday, October 4, 2008

My how time flies

Incase I have any readers left, I thought I had better post something to let you all know that despite my silence, all is well. It's Saturday night and we are all floating about the house doing what it is that we enjoy. Craig is kanoodling with his guitar, Sam is watching a little tv, Catherine has crawled into bed with her phone to do some texting and I am at the laptop.
I gave a paper today at my colleague Christine's conference: Metamorphoses: An International Colloquium on Narrative and Folklore. I spoke about the wedding padlock tradition that I had discovered in Russia a little over a year ago and which I subsequently find happens in such disparate places as China, Hungary and Lovelock, Nevada. It went well - it always helps to have funny photos and bizarre video clips. I think I was a spot of light relief amongst more serious talks about medieval texts and so on. I am heading to Russia at the end of the month and in between we are going en famille to Mexico for a week. Somewhere amidst all this fun and galavanting, I must write a stack of serious tenure and promotion letters, sigh.

1 comment:

Alison Williams said...

Don't worry, you haven't lost your loyal readers! Don't you love weekend parallel play? And the internet, and all things mac.