Tuesday, December 23, 2008

mom for a night

My Christmas present to Ellen was the offer to spend the night at her house so that she could get a full night's sleep. Last night was the night. It was quite lovely. Zack (pictured in entry below) is a chunkster of a baby with a sweet temperament. He was up for a bottle at about 12:30 and again a little after 5am. At that point he was quite awake so we wandered about looking for some toys. Once we got out of his room and into the breaking light of dawn, I think he finally realized I was not one of his people. He kept craning himself backwards so as to get a better look at me. Very cute. Then we went into the room where I had been sleeping (Ellen and Jerry's room) and he truly looked perplexed as we got into the bed to play and there was no sign of the parental units. They were downstairs in Lars' room with ear plugs in. We played for awhile and then both fell asleep until 7:30. It was actually quite fun (I know, that's because I can go home!), so I told Ellen I would do it again sometime.

1 comment:

Alison Williams said...

What a wonderful gift! You're a great friend. And bottle feeding is truly a blessing.