Monday, January 4, 2010

Lets get physical

This post is mainly for Alison who warned me about "week 4". Got the idea from her to download the Couch to 5k application for my ipod touch and embarked on their promised: in nine weeks you will be running a 5k. Of course, calenderwise I am on week six, but only part way through week four app-wise (Hey I invented a new word). Alison warned me that something shocking happens between weeks three and four, and I know what it is.... this week you are actually running for MINUTES at a time. Week three had a total of nine minutes of running each day (broken up into bite size morsels) and suddenly this week it is sixteen minutes and the morsels aren't so small anymore. But, nuff complaining. I did get through the second day of the three day week. I dread to see what week five holds....


Alison Williams said...

I am VERY impressed! It is just too darned cold for outdoor running now, so I will have to start that back up in the Spring. For now, I have ordered some fitness DVDs. Unfortunately the post is PATHETIC these days, so who know when I will actually have to start :-)

Alison Williams said...

I am VERY impressed! It is just too darned cold for outdoor running now, so I will have to start that back up in the Spring. For now, I have ordered some fitness DVDs. Unfortunately the post is PATHETIC these days, so who know when I will actually have to start :-)