Thursday, November 4, 2010

All hail your new president

Today the ADFL executive committee (for which I am in New York) met in its marathon first day meeting session: 9am - 6pm followed by dinner. It is always a wonderfully invigorating, if long, day. Great to sit with a bunch of smart and committed colleagues and brainstorm about our profession. Electees to the committee serve a term of three years and there are three people in each cohort so we are nine plus the two MLA staffers who actually make it all work and happen. In one's final year, a member of the cohort is selected to serve as president. And for 2011 that will be me. I warned them that I am scatty and things have been falling through the cracks with me these days, but they assured me that they had faith in me (i.e. no one else wanted to do it...)


Alison Williams said...

Congrats -- or commiserations, not sure which!

JaneLL said...

Wow -- my niece is President. Congrats.