Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday parties

Almost fell into my previous posting drought, but home nice and early from Craig's work holiday gathering... When the guests are predominantly mormon, there is no wine and people seem committed to getting in and out with efficiency. This is not to imply that it wasn't lovely, because it was. The food was delicious. We each bring something and his boss does the turkeys. They set nice tables and after eating and imbibing some caffeine free soft drinks it is time for the white elephant gift exchange. We made out rather well this year. Craig got, and held onto, a plug in mug warmer and I ended up with something called "fire sparkles" which may need to be regifted to Sam for Christmas. Apparently you sprinkle a tablespoon onto a roaring fire and "enjoy the colors". There was a blessing over the food so we should all be fine in terms of food poisoning. You never know how long someone's "covered dish" has sat in the car. To contrast this to events connected to my work, add massive amounts of drink and no blessings.
Last night we got the tree and put it up. Couldn't find any lights so did our part to boost the economy and rushed out to buy more. There was a bit on Science Friday this week about how to keep the needles on your tree for as long as possible. The bottom line, useless advice, was to buy a tree that has been properly handled from farm to selling point. Useful advice though was to use only white lights which are best at encouraging continued photosynthesis. Do not turn them off at night. I like it when I learn something genuinely new.
Other news: Craig is murmuring things about new beds... Zoe has taken a turn for the better so we now think she "had the flu". The children are in school until the 23rd which sucks for them but is quite nice for me.

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