Wednesday, February 2, 2011

everyone behaving badly

From today's inbox. Forwarded email exchange between faculty member and student. Faculty member concerned that student might "follow up".

Hi ___insert faculty member's first name____,

I believe i am suppose to contact you about meeting with you (or another faculty member) and filling out a tutor recommendation form. Please let me know who i can contact or when i can come by, the sooner the better.


Dear __student___,

Is this for tutoring through the department or through the library? If you are a Spanish Major/Minor, then I suggest that you get a recommendation from one of your current Spanish professors. If not, then I suggest that you come to my office during office hours (10:45 – 11:45) in order to determine your level of proficiency in Spanish. Additionally, please leave the recommendation form and a Curriculum Vitae/Resume in my mailbox at the front office beforehand so that I have an idea of your experience in Spanish.

A piece of constructive criticism: I suggest that you proof-read your emails before sending them out—your message contains grammatical and punctuation errors that reflect poorly on someone who intends to get a job as a language tutor.

-______insert signed Prof. _______

faculty first name again,

Thanks for getting back to me and taking the time to proofread and inform me of my grammatically incorrect email. However, i think you may have misunderstood the intention of my email, in which i was ONLY asking for help to get my recommendation filled out and not for the editing of my email.
However a piece of constructive criticism: If you think you might offend someone, keep your criticisms to yourself. You're email contain comments that reflect poorly on a Professor of language.


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