Tuesday, November 1, 2011

my patience is running thin

This chair thing can't end soon enough--or at least that is how I am feeling today. Allow me to share a couple of lines from emails I received in the last 24 hours. Admittedly these are out of context, but trust me, in most cases they are even more horrifying in situ. Still to protect my ass, I will edit down to choice phrases:

Response to scheduling conflict of the writer's making:
"You and Fernando set up the system, now make it work."
Commenting on the required course that yours truly teaches:
"but let me remind you, the L2020 is NOT part of the curriculum. It is not a prerequisite for any other language class or program, meaning that it does not clearly funnel into any particular course of study and therefore has little pedagogical application to the language major courses."
I feel so worthwhile....

On the same issue, from someone else:
"I think it's absolutely outrageous to ask a student not to take a required major course for a departmental course at the 2000 (!!!!!) level."

The only bright spot, is that the full text of one of the above, duly forwarded to relevant higher up on campus has gotten me the green light to "write the person up" for unprofessional behavior. Yippee. There go another couple of good hours.

So, here we are in our last months of leadership making some sweet enemies.

Sorry so grumpy.


Anne Richards said...

You have every right to be grumpy but I don't think you are. It seems to me you have done a great job. How about taking a sabbatical in Oxford. I could rent you a room.

JF said...

that sounds sooooooo enticing!