Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dream + questions

I dreamt that there was a decapitated mouse running around our house. Apparently I was responsible for its headless state, and I felt terribly sad and remorseful but as none of us could bear to look at it decided we had to put it outside. Obviously this was to consign it to a certain death. I let him go and watched as he found a stuffed animal some child had left out and snuggled up to it.
So, my dear readers: who is the mouse? who is the stuffed animal? Am I beyond redemption?

1 comment:

Anne Richards said...

One school of dream analysis suggests that everything in the dream; i.e. headless mouse, stuffed toy, etc. represents part of the dreamer. Ergo, you have cut off your own head and put yourself outside.

On the other hand maybe you are simply a female dog who mistreats rodents and neglects her childrens' toys.