Friday, March 2, 2012

Things I had forgotten about Canada

1) They have the nicest immigration officers, hands down.
2) A hat is not optional in the winter if you plan to spend any time out of doors. Had to buy one after half an hour of walking today so I could keep going.
3) The amount of salt on the sidewalks is immense. My boots are now sporting the telltale white lines around the edges -- I also don't walk anywhere seriously in SLC so I guess it may be that and not Canadian over-salting...
4) People walk much faster.
5) Many, many men wear backpacks to carry their stuff around with them.
6) Far fewer people seem to be on their mobiles while walking, maybe because it is so cold and they are going so fast?
7) And it isn't even super cold.


Unknown said...

Are you in Canada? Why?

JF said...

I just gave a talk in Ottawa and visited Don and Randall who send a huge hello to you.
Now on the train to Toronto to visit my friend Christina.