Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welcome back

OK, back in Utah and ready to recommit to blogging.
Random thought: just like people seem to be either cat people or dog people, people seem to be either canister or upright when it comes to vacuum cleaners. Craig and I, as in so many things, do not agree. Do you all think it just stems from what you grew up with?

For Alison: I promised work gems.

Got back into the office on Thursday morning and asked Fernando what I had missed.
1) The guy who teaches Kmer is in hospital and unlikely to return before semester's end. Quick, find another speaker of Khmer qualified to teach....starting tomorrow. Done. We are that good (or, at least Fernando is).
2) Wife of Arabic instructor who is scheduled to teach conversational Arabic for us starting in mid-May broke both legs in a car accident while I was gone. Will not be teaching from her wheel chair apparently.
3) Faculty member who discovered this term that she has a hole in her heart (when I asked her if she had known this, she replied, "Well, I knew about the figurative one, not the literal one.") is not American and puzzled to learn that insurance will only cover the operation to repair the hole if it is large enough. If smaller than designated size, she must have two strokes first to qualify for surgery.

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