Sunday, September 22, 2013

I am back

Drum roll please. I am back.
I have decided that there are just too many tasty morsels with no venue, except for a blog.
1) I have become addicted to Zumba. I am pretty lame at it, but I love it. While checking out the schedule for a class to go to tomorrow I see there is a new instructor. Name is vaguely familiar. Yes. Was one of my students three years ago in a survey course. She was a dreadful student so I am glad that she is good at something. I shall, however, not brave her class, at least not tomorrow. Perhaps, if I ever learn how to do that thing with your butt that they all seem talented at...I will reconsider.
2) Our department is being required to have a trained mediator at all our meetings. I am on leave this semester so have yet to witness this. But I did enjoy her email to us all on Friday which began:
"It was nice to see and meet with you again yesterday.  First, here is the link for the high conflict email tips I told you I would send." Good times continue.
3) Spent some quality time with Sam today shopping for clothes he needs to wear to the Homecoming dance next weekend. Nice trousers, shirt, and, of course, as always, a tie that matches some aspect of the girl's ensemble. In this instance, shoes, that appeared from the photo texted to us while in the tie section of Macy's, to be some shade of aqua, blue, green-ness.
Over and out.


Jane LL said...

So glad you are back. Always fun to read "happenings" in more depth than FB. Continue to enjoy your semester off. How delicious.

Unknown said...

Fortunately I am too old for Zumba.
Tips about high conflict? Okay.
Would love a pic of Sam kitted out for the dance. I don't remember tie matching shoes. Must be a new century thing