Wednesday, May 9, 2007

office space

My co-chair has moved his stuff into the administrative suite. He managed a sweet swap with someone eager to move to the quiet corner of the department that we currently occupy. For those of you who haven't seen our digs, we inhabit a building which challenges even the best sense of direction. Our offices extend along labyrinthian hallways. Someone explained to me when I arrived here that the zigs and zags were designed to maximize windows to the outside and indeed, unlike my previous place of employ, I do have a lovely view of the foothills. My former job had us housed in what was to have been a parking garage and as one friend wryly observed, the offices were the size of parking spaces. I too will move to the centre of the office labyrinth, but must wait until an office is vacated. This will probably be on the last possible day preceding my official appointment so I expect to be rolling dolly loads of books on June 30th.
I won't be teaching a class again until January and some part of me must be clinging to my last grading. I still have stacks to get through by Monday. We have a new online system for posting grades which gives an ominous countdown when you log in: "you have 5 days, 4 hours and 37 minutes left to post your grades". I fear I shall be down to just minutes by the time I get it all done. In the meantime I have planted some herbs given to me by the children for my birthday. I have only looked at the handheld GPS device from Craig - it promises to involve a steep learning curve, but I am very excited to have it. We can start geo-caching on weekends --- or I can use it to find my way from my new office to the bathroom.


Alison Williams said...

I keep checking, and nothing new. Don't worry if nothing interesting is going on, you could make stuff up!

Anne Richards said...

Time for a new blog. We know you are busy running everything but we miss you.