Friday, May 18, 2007

Who's on third?

I'm not in charge yet but that doesn't stop people from turning to me. "I have a student who failed second semester Latin and is begging for a passing grade so he can continue. Should I give it to him? He's very keen on all things Roman". Oh, and "all the women in the class complained that he gave them the creeps, and one told me he's on the sex offender registry". Thank god we can leave aside this issue, because he can't decline a latin noun to save his life, let alone pass third semester. Incidentally, he is on the registry -- a source of information that certainly wasn't around in my student days. Weird.

1 comment:

Anne Richards said...

The hidden side of Salt Lake City Latin studies. Please decline "to stalk". So you won't be teaching for awhile but will you, as assoc. chair have to deal with the dillisusioned, disappoointed and perverted? Your mother worries about you.