Sunday, November 1, 2009


Apologies dear reader(s) for the long drought in posts. Life has been a roller coaster mainly because I am hosting the conference from hell this coming week. Way back in about 2002 I agreed to host the Macedonian-North American Macedonian Studies conference in 2009 which at that point seemed so distant that saying yes was easy. Putting on a conference is hard work under the best of circumstances - well off departments probably use conference services, but in the poor humanities we go it alone. So I had to book hotel space, set up a payment website, organize food, contract out for a scenic excursion, find a place to host a party for which I managed to get live Balkan music and dancers. This was stressful enough but then the Greeks found out and all hell broke loose. For those of you not in the know, the Greeks object to the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia calling itself Macedonia because that is a Greek word and no one else should use it. One of my colleagues in Classics noted that it is kind of nice that people can be so passionate about a word, and I would agree if I wasn't dealing with volumes of what can only be described as hate mail. Some listserv out there encouraged its members to write to the university president and demand the cancellation of my conference. So, I got summoned to the president's office to bring him up to speed on this particular area of Balkan conflict. The positive thing was a very clear statement of support from his office that is on the home page for the university and the VP for communications took over replying to all the crazies so the stuff stopped being forwarded to me.
Oh, and I get a uniformed security guard for the conference and an undercover guy who came by the department on Friday wanting to know how he should dress to blend in. Which of course for all you academics out there raises difficult sartorial questions.
So, Wednesday the people start arriving and through Saturday night my life is not my own.

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