Friday afternoon Sam and about 12 of his friends (i'm not kidding, they travel in a horde) came over and hung out in our downstairs family room. I came home and knew that it was the "Friday of the fake babies" because this is what I saw by the front door. For those of you who don't recall my post about Catherine and Ryan's fake babies, suffice it to say that ninth graders in a particular class get a doll with a computer chip that they have to look after for a few days. It cries and carries on at random times and can only be soothed with a key that the teenager has had attached to his or her wrist. Three of the horde came with babies which were all being assiduously tended to in between bouts of FIFA 2010 on the xbox.
Teagen and someone's baby.... I had thrown the horde out and they were off to terrorize the neighborhood.

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