Wednesday, January 11, 2012

new term, more fun

Perhaps some beginning of term vignettes to paint a portrait of life in the chair's office.

1) New meaning for TMI: checking in on faculty member off last term for prostate cancer treatment and I receive this email.
dear jane:

thank you for the e-mail asking me about my situation.

i hope that i will be fine. i still have problems such as feelings of urgency, frequent urination and occasional bladder spasm (you do not want to hear all about these). despite the side effects, i am positive that i will be able to perform the duties.

2) Continued interaction with student who believes there are FBI spies in her Arabic class.

3) Asked colleague who needs to go out of town for family meeting to make plan for elderly mother if there is anything I can do to help. Response: "place pillow over my sister's face."

So, all in all, things are off to a rousing start.


Anne Richards said...

How can you be so callous about frequent urination. It's a real bugger.
You should not doubt your student until you are absolutely certain there are no spies in the Arabic class. If there are, it could be a jumping off point for your novel.

JF said...

all good points mum. but bladder spasms?...

Anne Richards said...

I'm not au fait with bladder spasms and strangely enough feel no desire to google.

Alison Williams said...

I love your job. These are the best posts. I had reverse last term -- my chair decided that I should be his confidante regarding persistent UTI. Nice.