Thursday, December 23, 2010
First day of xmas holidays
We're not cold; we are just enjoying lunch.
Sam and Lars on the slopes together after a few years hiatus. They had so much fun, especially when stuck on the broken lift for 45 minutes listening to the people two chairs back singing Christmas carols to pass the time.
The view at the top when the fog cleared for a few precious minutes.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Winter Solstice
I threw a Winter Solstice party which was a bust in terms of guests-- only three people came, but fantastic content wise. We did a snowshoe hike which was supposed to be by the light of the full moon, but it was cloudy. Still, very gorgeous. Then we came back and ate the white chicken chili I had made. Pictures:
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Catherine and I went to see Black Swan. Dementedly fantastic. More cleaning and purging today. All trash and recycling bins packed to the brim for the Monday pick up.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
what to do on a day off
After a balmy few days we had snow two nights ago and yesterday I took a mental health day. I went back to bed after the kids were off to school and finished a mystery novel. Cleared out another carload of stuff for the goodwill and then did a little Christmas shopping. Apparently mum and Alison have a deal going beginning on new years where they reward each other. Mum will give money and Alison will give decluttering help. If only I could get her here. I think we would make her day. Mum's problems are chump change compared to what I have been contending with. I am not a neatnik. No doubt there. I accept that it is a challenge for Craig to live with a person who begins things and doesn't quite finish. Vacuum cleaner abandoned where last used and that sort of thing. But, my god, does that man have clutter. Quick, look up the word 'packrat' and you will see Craig's smiling face. He has every note taken in college and law school - boxes upon boxes, he has numerous old hard drives that "have stuff on them I want". I found not one, but two sets of rabbit ears to plug into a TV. I know my kids think our TV is that old.... but actually, we do have cable. If I suggest getting rid of them...."you never know when we might need them." I did get rid of a bread maker, a second toaster, coffee grinder, mini-cuisinart, clock radio, ancient laptop (weight about 20 lbs), mac computer from Malcolm's old company that we could never break the password on, bags and bags of clothes, etc. etc. etc. Maybe, one of these days I will find the missing Christmas lights....

After these exertions, I took my snowshoes and went up Millcreek:

I mentioned that Craig has been mumbling things about beds. Here is a picture of something he tried - thank goodness it only lasted one night.... He promised that if it 'worked' he would saw off the bit sticking conveniently out to fell one on the way to the loo in the middle of the night.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday parties
Almost fell into my previous posting drought, but home nice and early from Craig's work holiday gathering... When the guests are predominantly mormon, there is no wine and people seem committed to getting in and out with efficiency. This is not to imply that it wasn't lovely, because it was. The food was delicious. We each bring something and his boss does the turkeys. They set nice tables and after eating and imbibing some caffeine free soft drinks it is time for the white elephant gift exchange. We made out rather well this year. Craig got, and held onto, a plug in mug warmer and I ended up with something called "fire sparkles" which may need to be regifted to Sam for Christmas. Apparently you sprinkle a tablespoon onto a roaring fire and "enjoy the colors". There was a blessing over the food so we should all be fine in terms of food poisoning. You never know how long someone's "covered dish" has sat in the car. To contrast this to events connected to my work, add massive amounts of drink and no blessings.
Last night we got the tree and put it up. Couldn't find any lights so did our part to boost the economy and rushed out to buy more. There was a bit on Science Friday this week about how to keep the needles on your tree for as long as possible. The bottom line, useless advice, was to buy a tree that has been properly handled from farm to selling point. Useful advice though was to use only white lights which are best at encouraging continued photosynthesis. Do not turn them off at night. I like it when I learn something genuinely new.
Other news: Craig is murmuring things about new beds... Zoe has taken a turn for the better so we now think she "had the flu". The children are in school until the 23rd which sucks for them but is quite nice for me.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I promised a photo with Sam's debraced smile. Here is one from our Christmas picture taking session this evening. Ryan came for dinner and we learned how to use the timer on the camera and voila. You'll be receiving one with all of us with your Christmas letter. I have promised mum I am going to attempt the genre this year...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
One more post
Friday afternoon Sam and about 12 of his friends (i'm not kidding, they travel in a horde) came over and hung out in our downstairs family room. I came home and knew that it was the "Friday of the fake babies" because this is what I saw by the front door. For those of you who don't recall my post about Catherine and Ryan's fake babies, suffice it to say that ninth graders in a particular class get a doll with a computer chip that they have to look after for a few days. It cries and carries on at random times and can only be soothed with a key that the teenager has had attached to his or her wrist. Three of the horde came with babies which were all being assiduously tended to in between bouts of FIFA 2010 on the xbox.
Teagen and someone's baby.... I had thrown the horde out and they were off to terrorize the neighborhood.

Boarding part 2
So, apologies that I can't figure out how to turn the video clips in the previous post....

Here are some pictures from today. Those I can manage to get the right way up.
Tessa and Sam chillin'
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
evening in SLC
Tonight I made dinner (like I do most every night) and it was vile. I don't know what exactly went wrong, but let's just say there was toast made midway through to help us out.
Craig is back from his jaunt to Mexico, just in time for another precipitous decline for the much beloved dog Zoe. On Monday evening she collapsed on the kitchen floor and was completely unable to stand up. Sam and I ended up carrying her upstairs to my room to sleep. It was clear that was where she wanted to go, but each time she tried to get up she ended up splayed on the floor. The next morning she was alright again. Today she didn't come down for breakfast and late afternoon manage to make it to the top of the stairs to be sick (left that for Craig's cleaning pleasure...). Craig has asked me to get the info from my friend at work for her vet who will come to your house to put your pet to sleep. Apparently not only is this nicer for the owners but is also helpful for any remaining dogs who are otherwise traumatized by an unexplained departure. This way they can sniff the departed companion and it is supposed to be easier for them. I will keep you posted.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Vegan? No thanks.
I feel that I have demonstrated a true act of friendship having made and delivered the vegan onion soup. First, I looked at the French recipe and realized that the gobs of butter and beef bouillon were not going to work. Actually, I was already up to speed on the latter and had bought mushroom broth, but butter is so essential in my world, I was flummoxed. I stopped at Albertsons and pondered the butter like substances, but they had nothing that met my criteria. So I went to another supermarket and found something that is lactose free, gluten free, soy free... you get the picture. Came home and made the batch of soup for our friends and then set out to deliver it. Got within striking range and realized that I don't actually know where they live. So there's me driving up and down very Salt Lake streets (i.e. they are called things like 3045 south) wondering if I will ever find the house. Eventually had to call someone, who called them (I don't have their numbers as they are more Craig's friends than mine) and me and my now very mushroomy smelling car pulled up and made the delivery. I assured them that "it is the thought that counts" and if it is inedible, they should pour it out straight away.
Then came home and put the finishing touches on our batch that had beef broth, butter and loads of lovely french bread floating on top under a melted swiss cheese. Yum.
Saturday in SLC
Sam and I are up and getting ourselves ready to head up for skiing. We got him new boots and skis yesterday at this great place a block from our house. They do consignment as well as new equipment and clothing. We got a great deal on his gear and I left two outgrown pairs of skis there for them to try and sell. Craig took the camera to Mexico so no pictures today. When we get home, Sam is going to make French onion soup from the copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking I have had since my teens. His dad got him his first Le Creuset pot yesterday. We are also going to make a vegan batch for our friend who just had a double mastectomy and has gone vegan since his diagnosis. All in all, a lovely Saturday.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Let down
What a let down. We had a few inches of snow and the university was open today. I think the word blizzard got used because we did experience a radical drop in temperature and high winds. All day today it barely hit 20 degrees F. Sam and his friends have built an igloo over the last few days which they intend to sleep in over Christmas break. Fortunately it is at someone else's house so I won't have to contend with half frozen teenage boys at 3am. Looking forward to a few days off. We are invited to Val's for Thanksgiving dinner which is even better. No wrestling a turkey for me. May try out the cross-country skis tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Calm before the...
BLIZZARD. Apparently we are about to be hit by a blizzard. This is not a term that gets used very often so I'm not quite sure what we are up for. They closed the university at 2pm so we could all make our way home before the BLIZZARD. It is now 5:10pm and the temperature is dropping, the wind blowing, but no sign of the BLIZZARD. Just incase we stocked up on movie rentals, bottled water, wine, and popcorn.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What we woke up to
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Success on the slopes - Part 2
Success on the slopes - Part 1
A super day was had by all. The weather was pretty unforgiving - snowing most of the day - but we had tons of fun. Here are pictures with captions.
We need to work on loading the car better; but when you are driving something as roomy as my new Pathfinder... it doesn't matter too much.

The car from the outside. I never did a post on the joy of getting this car and happy I am every time I get in it. today it proved its worth. At the end of the afternoon with a foot of fresh snow in the parking lot, I just clicked over to four wheel drive and cruised out of there with no problem.

Sam, Catherine and Keziah decked out and ready to go.
The car from the outside. I never did a post on the joy of getting this car and happy I am every time I get in it. today it proved its worth. At the end of the afternoon with a foot of fresh snow in the parking lot, I just clicked over to four wheel drive and cruised out of there with no problem.
Sam, Catherine and Keziah decked out and ready to go.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hitting the slopes
That will be us tomorrow. Mother nature has brought in an early season for snow. Some resorts opened last week - Thanksgiving is usual -- so we think we will check it out. Catherine had decided to snowboard and announced when we rented her gear that she is "goofy". That has something to do with which foot forward on the board. Anyway, we head up to Brighton tomorrow morning and I will take pictures.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
dedicated student
Prof Hacking,
I noticed a sign on the door of the (I apologize, but the keyboard I'm on can't type the letter after r and before t; I have to try to type wordz without it--pretty weird, huh?) Anyway, I did complete the chapter 5 homework, but WebCT didn't have info on how to turn it in. In the event that you want it turned in online, I need to let you know that the homework iz on my computer at home and I won't be home until around 9:30 pm today, therefore I can't turn it in until after 9:30 pm. Will that be ok? I do have the hardcopy with me and it waz ready to turn in at clazz today.
I noticed a sign on the door of the (I apologize, but the keyboard I'm on can't type the letter after r and before t; I have to try to type wordz without it--pretty weird, huh?) Anyway, I did complete the chapter 5 homework, but WebCT didn't have info on how to turn it in. In the event that you want it turned in online, I need to let you know that the homework iz on my computer at home and I won't be home until around 9:30 pm today, therefore I can't turn it in until after 9:30 pm. Will that be ok? I do have the hardcopy with me and it waz ready to turn in at clazz today.
From a student
Thursday, November 11, 2010
going through old email
Apparently I used to be a very helpful, all round faculty member:
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:13 PM
> Hello;
> I am so sorry to bother you Dr. Hacking but I have a question. I bought today
> some pelmeni from Cafe Europa. How long do you boil them for?
> Thankyou
> Ted
Hi Ted,
Put them into boiling water. Once the water starts to boil again, cook themn
for about 6-7 minutes.
Prijatnogo apetita.
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:13 PM
> Hello;
> I am so sorry to bother you Dr. Hacking but I have a question. I bought today
> some pelmeni from Cafe Europa. How long do you boil them for?
> Thankyou
> Ted
Hi Ted,
Put them into boiling water. Once the water starts to boil again, cook themn
for about 6-7 minutes.
Prijatnogo apetita.
It just happened to me...
There seems to be something contagious among our students this week. First, the person featured two posts back was quoted as saying to instructor B - imagine a musing, pensive tone: "I don't know why I'm such a jerk in your class. I just am." Like being a jerk is something one has no control over.
The other problem child this week was caught plagiarizing. We're not talking a few sentences here and there lifted from elsewhere. No, an entire three pages, painstakingly (and with spelling mistakes) transcribed from Russian wikipedia. When told he would receive a failing grade in the course, his email response went, "I will talk to whomever I need to, since this is the first time I have ever had this happen, to let me continue in the class."
What exactly has he "never had happen." Being caught? Or actually plagiarism. Was he just merrily doing his homework and plagiarism snuck up and zapped him.
The other problem child this week was caught plagiarizing. We're not talking a few sentences here and there lifted from elsewhere. No, an entire three pages, painstakingly (and with spelling mistakes) transcribed from Russian wikipedia. When told he would receive a failing grade in the course, his email response went, "I will talk to whomever I need to, since this is the first time I have ever had this happen, to let me continue in the class."
What exactly has he "never had happen." Being caught? Or actually plagiarism. Was he just merrily doing his homework and plagiarism snuck up and zapped him.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Compliments of my friend's essay marking
Student quote of the day: "There were huge amounts of illiteracy and the fact that Russia struggled to communicate with its peasants." Ready, set: Parse that sentence!
Monday, November 8, 2010
problem student #1
Instructor A.
Unfortunately that's not all. This past week I invited to my office another student from third year Russian -- the only heritage speaker there. I suspected from the start that this is a wrong course for him but he persuaded me that he needed it (both personally and for his program of studies) so I let him stay. He went from being a smirking class clown to an outrageously insolent ... (I don't have an appropriate word in any language here.) When I invited him to my office last week, I wanted to tell him that his attitude - to me, to the course AND to his classmates, - makes it impossible for him to continue this way.
Instructor B.
I had exactly the same problem with this student, warned him by e-mail that I was concerned, and he calmed down, at least for the next class. However, Instructor A is right--his behavior this semester has been worse than any student I've encountered. Here's the problem--I had him in a previous course, and he was my favorite student: funny, extremely smart, and respectful. It was as though something broke this semester. I think he made other students a little afraid of speaking, because he was so nasty. My class discussion definitely took a turn for the worse. Here's my concern: early in the semester he showed up with what looked like head wounds and stitches. Next time his head was shaved.
Good to know. We had better check with undergraduate advising about how we would ask him about whether he has a had a personality changing head injury.....
Instructor B.
I have a lot of people I'd like to ask that question. Should I send you a list?
Unfortunately that's not all. This past week I invited to my office another student from third year Russian -- the only heritage speaker there. I suspected from the start that this is a wrong course for him but he persuaded me that he needed it (both personally and for his program of studies) so I let him stay. He went from being a smirking class clown to an outrageously insolent ... (I don't have an appropriate word in any language here.) When I invited him to my office last week, I wanted to tell him that his attitude - to me, to the course AND to his classmates, - makes it impossible for him to continue this way.
Instructor B.
I had exactly the same problem with this student, warned him by e-mail that I was concerned, and he calmed down, at least for the next class. However, Instructor A is right--his behavior this semester has been worse than any student I've encountered. Here's the problem--I had him in a previous course, and he was my favorite student: funny, extremely smart, and respectful. It was as though something broke this semester. I think he made other students a little afraid of speaking, because he was so nasty. My class discussion definitely took a turn for the worse. Here's my concern: early in the semester he showed up with what looked like head wounds and stitches. Next time his head was shaved.
Good to know. We had better check with undergraduate advising about how we would ask him about whether he has a had a personality changing head injury.....
Instructor B.
I have a lot of people I'd like to ask that question. Should I send you a list?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
All hail your new president
Today the ADFL executive committee (for which I am in New York) met in its marathon first day meeting session: 9am - 6pm followed by dinner. It is always a wonderfully invigorating, if long, day. Great to sit with a bunch of smart and committed colleagues and brainstorm about our profession. Electees to the committee serve a term of three years and there are three people in each cohort so we are nine plus the two MLA staffers who actually make it all work and happen. In one's final year, a member of the cohort is selected to serve as president. And for 2011 that will be me. I warned them that I am scatty and things have been falling through the cracks with me these days, but they assured me that they had faith in me (i.e. no one else wanted to do it...)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
a bit of a funny
Another email gem.
Dear so and so,
The full title for these courses is “Comparative Literary & Cultural Studies”, or CLCS, and this was a new major offered by the Department of Languages and Literature (College of Humanities) since 2005. CLCS replaced an unfortunate course suffix “C. Lit”, used between 2005-2009. Where possible, please align these course title/headings.
could i join Daniel in the land of paper free work
On the way to New York for ADFL meeting. I've flown so much in the last year that I have achieved gold status. That means I get to go through the priority screening line at security. Doesn't look like I'll get an upgrade though. Just talked to Daniel who is effusive about a training he just did that has his office completely devoid of extraneous paper. Actually all paper. I am going to google the guy and read up. I could probably use something along these lines. It is absurd how much time I spend looking and relooking for things.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween part 1
Saturday, October 30, 2010
lunch concert
Dinner Party
We hosted a dinner for the various and sundry folk doing things Russian around here. There's a reason more people don't do dinner parties much these days. I spent the whole day preparing and the 'meat' was Ikea meatballs so not too labor intensive. We were twelve so we used pretty much every dish in the house. A shocking amount of wine was drunk and thank god Craig got up before I did and made serious inroads on the detritus. Just enough time to recover today before Halloween festivities begin. The trick or treating here has to happen today because we can't have that sort of thing on the lord's day. Haven't bought any candy yet. Both kids are planning to dress up and be those embarrassingly too old trick or treaters tonight. Craig's band is playing its 10th annual Halloween party. Pictures tomorrow I promise.
Crucial difference
This picture illustrates that Craig belongs to a group of people to which I do not. This is a skor candy bar that has been PARTIALLY EATEN. Who does that? Who opens a chocolate bar and eats part of it? Craig does. That's who.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
have you noticed?
That I am trying to post more regularly. Hint to fellow family bloggers...
We had to break down and have a faculty meeting this afternoon. Hideous. Reinforced my belief that things are substantially better without them. Hope we can dodge the need for another one until the new year.
On a much more exciting note, the electropalatography equipment has arrived and it looks suitably daunting. I wish there weren't still so many letters of support to write so I could just load the software and start playing.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A funny
Not nice to giggle over non-native English, but this one is too precious not to share:
"In history, the difference of social status make the words for women have negative connotations. Eg. To call a man a professional is a compliment; but to call a woman professional is perhaps to be a prostate."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The teeth make a reappearance
Sam got his braces off today. It was quite the ordeal. He was terribly worried that the orthodontist would hem and haw and suggest more time was needed, which in effect he did. "There is a small gap between two of the molars on the lower right that we could close up with about 3-4 more weeks of treatment." Meanwhile there are scads of people on this earth with huge great gaps between more than just a pair of teeth. I knew this was a no go and said "take them off" in my best Marie Antoinette voice. So they did. And then they just needed to do a couple of wee impressions to make the retainers. Well, it turns out that Sam's mouth is not the shape of any tray into which mould goop is poured. They had to do about four on each of the top and bottom. After he gagged and threw up for one of them they moved him into a more private area so he wouldn't scare the younger patients. What price beauty? He does have a gorgeous smile and the sick didn't hit his clothes before going back to school, so all in all another good day.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Shenanigans, snow and my raise
One of Sam's friends got suspended from school for chasing two younger girls on the way home the other day wearing a scary clown mask. Apparently, the vice principal told the remaining boys, "the girl has a profound fear of clowns." I managed not to burst immediately into giggles as Sam relayed this tale at dinner - I don't actually approve of terrorizing other children -- but the phrase "profound fear of clowns" was hard to keep a straight face for.
This morning we woke up to a dusting of snow on the hills and mountains and the windshield of Craig's car. I am loathe to give up and pick all the remaining tomatoes (there is only so much chutney one can make) so this evening I have wrapped the plants in old sheets.
And I got my raise. I called to schedule an appointment with my dean and his assistant said, "well, he has some time right now" Gulp. But no time to get all worried. We chatted and he called me about twenty minutes later to say I can expect to see that raise hit my next pay check. All in all, a great day.
Monday, October 18, 2010
fall semester post break
I slipped in and out of the office today as if on a stealth mission. Getting a few thousand miles away for a few days makes you realize that you should do it more often. Nothing blew up; no one required serious first aid, and I had a great time. So I slipped in, taught my class, listened to some voice mail, went to pilates (core somewhat suffering from pain au chocolat) and came home. Everyone here seems to have thrived in my absence. Teenagers are a miraculous thing. They just keep sleeping, eating cheezits, and making you glad you have the family unlimited texting plan.
Saturday night I engaged in extreme jet lag therapy. Prior to my departure Craig asked if I wanted to join him to see Bob Schneider (no relation) right after my return from Paris. Why not? Keen to see this guy that he finds so compelling. But I did not realize that compelling guy would not actually mount the stage until well after 11pm. I know that sounds provincially early, but I was running on fumes. Fortunately, the floor was so sticky with spilled drinks that I couldn't have fallen over if I had wanted to. And he was great. A true performer, master of many genres. And Craig was so tickled by his antics that I perked up and actually boogied a little. Of course, not possible to get a glass of red wine. Craig seems to take me to these places where they are not sure what that is and if they were to dig up a bottle you might best run from it.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
11 hour flight to a different world
Thursday, October 14, 2010
One of my persistent anxiety dreams is that I am racing to get to an airport for an international flight. The rush is often preceded by trying desperately to pack my life's belongings into three or four suitcases. Items I no longer own make guest reappearances in this packing frenzy. I had just such a dream last night. There was the additional panic of being forced onto the plane which was leaving early and the children not yet being at the airport... When I got up this morning and checked my email I was a little puzzled to see a message from Delta saying "time to check in for your flight" Huh? And then I checked my itinerary and contrary to my firm belief that I was flying home on Saturday, I am in fact booked for Friday. Shit. So today was my last day as the flight leaves at 11am and I will have to set out early given the traffic mess due to the strike which is denoted as 'reconductable' which just means it is ongoing, uneven in its application, and unpredictable.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
More from Paris
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Life with an old dog
Sometimes Zoe throws up in the morning. That is always a special symphonic treat to wake up to. It takes quite awhile for her to go from the noises to the actual production. Usually it is enough time for Craig (hello, she is your dog) to leap from the bed and arm himself with a plastic bag and paper towels. The other side of food coming up unexpectedly is that it is less easy to get it to go down. Now Zoe used to LOVE her food. She was an absolute whore when it came to anything vaguely edible. So, we know she is on the downward trend when she has to be coaxed to eat her food, one pellet at a time - see below. Fortunately, Craig (in the inimitable words of his ex-wife) will never love another woman as much as Zoe, so he is quite content to sit on the kitchen floor and hand feed her if thats what it takes.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Mediator
More excellent tough love from the mediator, Terri Jo. "If someone is in your office talking about something you don't want to discuss, or talking about something for too long, it's your fault." Ouch. But so true. So she has given me some excellent boundary setting strategies and talked me through how to ask my dean for a raise. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Department
I am woefully behind but wanted to update all of you on the latest idea coming from the L&L co-chairs' offices. It needs fleshing out, but we think it will be a money maker.
Reality TV has brought you Big Brother, Wife Swap and Survivor- versions jungle to tropical island ... The half hour sitcom was revitalized by The Office. We bring you The Department: a cut throat, comedic romp through the pathos that is life in the modern academic department. Stay tuned for our first episode where a certain lecturer goes ballistic, half our files are carted away for use in a faculty instigated legal proceeding, and the female members of the department must wade through an inch of 'water' when using the restroom. You'll be hooked and won't want to miss week two's episode where a group of malcontents is forced into mediation. Stay tuned. This promises to be next season's smash hit.
Friday, September 17, 2010
PE in the 21st century
I had a load of overdue items to return to the library so when I got home I began gathering them up. Catherine was home with her friend Keziah, who was investigating job opportunities at McDonalds on the computer, albeit not seriously. Before I announced I was going to the library, C asked if I would be able to stop by the library to pick up a yoga dvd for them.... Huh? Explanation. When C got out of bowling it was a move to aerobics which seems to be actually a kind of cultural studies riff on exercise fads by the teacher. They have "sweated to the oldies" with Richard Simmons and all manner of other weird exercise fads. Keziah, C's incredibly extroverted friend, embraces all this with verve and I guess they had done a little warrior pose yesterday and wanted more. I went to the library and most of what was checked in was "yoga for pregnant women" which I thought wasn't quite the message for a couple of 16 year olds. I managed to scrounge up something labeled "Ancient yoga traditions," a pilates video and, for good measure, something dance funk high energy and not yoga at all. The next thing I knew they reappeared dressed in full on 80s work out gear demanding photos of them in their best warrior pose.
Meanwhile Sam is out at a party and just called to say that I could pick him up a few minutes later because they have embarked on the tormenting of homeowners otherwise known as ding dong ditch.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Just back from a fabulous weekend in Southern Utah. It feels like a little reprise of summer. Mum arrived on Thursday and Friday afternoon we headed out after school in the new car - I'll have to do a separate post on that. We stayed in Torrey and Saturday did a trip to Boulder and then on the Burr Trail and back to Torrey after a late lunch in Boulder. The guy at the next table was an Aussie biking from Portland, Oregon to Washington DC. He was a character - how could he not be? - and we enjoyed hearing a few of his tales from the road.
Somewhere in this photo I think you might see Sam who climbed up, up and up.
Mum and Craig.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Date night
Craig and I went out on a date. Well, not really a date since it wasn't planned or anything. Mid afternoon as he was reading a section of Wednesday's paper which was still floating around on our dining room table he decided we should try a new restaurant called Sea Salt. So we did and it was delish and then we went to a movie. The latter not so successful. The movie itself was ok (The American with George Clooney) - I think mainly an excuse for him to shoot a movie in Italy. The scenery was beautiful, the plot thin. But the main problem was that the place was full of consumptives one of whom was sitting right behind us. When she wasn't coughing and choking, she was unwrapping lozenges. I am not a germaphobe but eventually I just leaned forward because I couldn't help visualizing being sprayed with germs.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Faculty retreat came and went without a whimper. I announced the that there would be no meetings of the full faculty this fall and no one said anything. At lunch one of our able staffers suggested that "people think you have given up and are going to let them do whatever they want." Oh, that's why there were no questions. There was just a inward sigh of relief. Well, I guess everyone will be surprised when we do something racy like scheduling classes in a way that makes sense in a big picture sort of a way, not a "but I never come in on Mondays and Fridays" sort of a way.
For the time being it all seems very peaceful.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
All I can say is "wow"
Email from one of our administrative position holders to another faculty member. Well, I guess the writer's position is crystal clear.
it is inappropriate for you to undermine the director of __________________ by promising students special treatment or special deals. I have
to think not only of ___________, but also of all the other students
who may not want to take this course.
In the future, please refrain from interfering in my job.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
When we were humbled
Today my fearless co-chair and I met with someone who came highly recommended. Let's just say she spends her days helping dysfunctional academic units get back on track. We got on to her when I ran into some colleagues from another department last week after their annual departmental retreat. I KNOW how crazy things go in their meetings so imagine my amazement when my coy "So how was your retreat?" question was answered "great." GREAT? What happened to "and then he said, and then she said, and then he voted....etc." Above mentioned woman happened is what. Apparently she nips manipulative language in the bud, tells people they have been heard and there is "no need to say it again." Immediately I was all: "Can she please come to our retreat" and I emailed her and we met today to gauge the lay of the land. Two brief stories about recent discussions in our department and she said: "You all have no business meeting." Ok, she didn't have the southern accent, but that was the message. But, we countered, we don't want to be the autocratic nightmare that our predecessor was, we need to meet to get faculty input, our faculty insist on "faculty governance"... And in the imitable words of Kathryn Dixon "And how's that working for you?"
Ok, its not. Our human resource consultant's advice: tell them that you have observed that our meetings are not productive, that you want to be productive, that until further notice we will not meet. Wow. I can't wait. Came back to the office, cancelled the afternoon of Friday's retreat leaving only the purely informational morning.
Bowling 101
The school is on a block schedule so you have each class every other day and when you have it it lasts quite awhile. Ample time to travel to the local bowling alley every other class period. On the alternate day I hazarded that they did "bowling theory" but alas no. They engage in other sports. The main problem seems to be that the same boy who made the wearing of chemistry goggles last year painful is also in bowling. Not viewed as "an opportunity" by our Catherine. And so, bowling will go the way of the dodo at this morning's meeting with her counselor.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day one - done
We all survived our first day. Sam was so tired he was in bed at 8:30. Catherine found out that bowling as a class at school is not as enticing as it might seem. My classroom was a frigid 60ish degrees - and had chalk boards!!!! I haven't seen a chalkboard for about five years on our campus. Fortunately there was chalk.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Last day of holidays
Tomorrow is the first day of school and my term starts so we decided to go up to Rockport Reservoir again and have day of water fun and a picnic. After a few raindrops it cleared up, but there was a bit of wicked wind most of the day. Sandy sandwiches and bums. Ellen and I cheered ourselves by deciding we were having a full body exfoliation on the cheap. Here are some pictures:
Sam, Lars and Craig heading out for some inner tube - wave runner action.
Craig being lectured by the lake police because he didn't have a "spotter" with flag. Spotter waves flag when towed person falls off the tube. Note the flag in the picture above which was taken after the warning for bad lake behavior.
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