Monday, September 17, 2012
Point and shoot
This evening I went to the first session of a short course I signed up for on using your point and shoot camera. Complete demystification in under two hours. I now understand what all those little setting pictures mean: you know, the little flower or the mountains or the action man. They adjust aperture and shutter speed to levels appropriate for portraiture with shallow field or landscape with deep field etc. Wow! Totally worth the price of entry.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
student redux
That student got an academic suspension after much wrangling with the football powers that be who didn't want him to "suffer" too much.
Tonight is the big Utah BYU game for Homecoming and I notice that our friend is back and big on the team. Hopefully he found out what letterhead is incase he needs to do any more forgery.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Not being chair
Not being department chair is a beautiful thing. It is as though I have been wrapped in wads and wads of cotton wool through which I can still vaguely hear and see annoying things, but not well enough for them to penetrate the cocoon.
That's not to say we don't have our own craziness at the Center. Today our poor office assistant got on the wrong side of a student who then proceeded to whip out her phone and start videoing their interaction. She even stalked her to the bathroom.
Then the Arabic TA who missed orientation and showed up late for classes starting quit today. Hers was a convoluted tale of "she was having a miscarriage so she couldn't come to orientation; then she actually wasn't pregnant so, whew, but then she was and "took some medicine" that caused her to have a miscarriage, so she has to quit the program...or so was the story told by her husband to our administrative assistant today. No one could quite follow and he kept interjecting that he was 'really fed up' with his wife. We agreed it was a trying situation.
The Center is up and running but we don't actually have any space. The remodeling project drags on, well, it has yet to officially start. But yesterday we picked furniture finishes and chair fabric and carpeting so it seems a little more likely to happen during this calendar year.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Then we wandered down to Starbucks for a delicious latte and then into Waitrose which is full of such yummy looking food. Bought some beet and horseradish soup for lunch and it was fab.
Then down to see mum's new neighborhood and peek into her new house. We have an appointment to see it for real on Monday. After that I boarded my train to York and three hours later, here I am. I am booked in to my cute little b&b. I got settled and wandered out to explore the neighborhood. Small streets with terraced brick houses. I couldn't resist Tony's Plaice which I happened upon just as Friday night 'fry time' was starting... a nice piece of haddock and chips -- delicious. They had signage up claiming that fish and chips is better for you than other fast food, burgers and chips etc. I decided to believe them.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Full Circle
I started this blog because of becoming chair; but no fear, I don't plan to end it. So stay tuned for continuing sporadic updates.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Summer Seminar
Now I am at the tiny airport which is staffed by the nicest people I have ever seen working at an airport. Bought one of those mini packets of motrin and the cashier immediately offered me her scissors because "those packages can be really difficult to open." My favorite though was the college student at security whose luggage consisted of a large clear plastic bag filled with a paltry few items and a skateboard.
Next week I will be at the other summer seminar in Nashville. Craig deigns to join me and will spend his days going from pawn shop to pawn shop checking out hocked music gear.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Yulia's diplomatic take on soap issue
That might be an issue. I honestly do not know. All the detergent that my mother uses has a strong perfume smell. Maybe there is something for sensitive skin.
I would bring some detergent with you for the first time before we can find something for you. I guess if you feel that you run out of the detergent and you cannot find anything else that you can use, you can ask your mam to ship you more, but keep in mind that it takes a 6 weeks for a parcel to get to Krasnoyarsk from the States.
In the worst case scenario you can buy baby soap and wash clothes with that by hand.
Russia, part umpteenth
"Hey, I just realized that I forgot to mention on my housing form that I have sensitive skin: meaning that I can only use laundry detergent that is free & clear of all perfumes & dyes. Does that matter? I was going to bring my own laundry detergent to make it easier, but Julia Mikhailova said that the internal baggage weight for the airlines is only about 44lbs/20kg, and I don't want my luggage to be overweight...sorry about not putting it on the housing the laundry detergent thing going to be an issue at all in Russia? because, if anything, I can have my mom ship me some of our laundry detergent once we get the address where i'm staying..."
Tempted to respond: "Everything is an issue in Russia."
But probably need to be a little less abrupt.
Can you tell that I am beyond the end of my rope with this program. Today is the day we find out if the students will actually be able to get visas... if not, I may not be responsible for my actions.
Graduation pictures
Enjoying the bbq on the back deck.
Cupcakes made by Catherine and Keziah. Keziah comes from the sort of family that owns a cupcake display thingy. Isn't it awesome. Alison, I'm talking to you!
Catherine, Todd, Sam and Gina who babysat them for years. Saved my single mom life every Wednesday night. And stayed with them for a week when Craig and I went to Hawaii in 2007.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Pic of me in my chair. With new hair cut. Probably should have washed and styled it, but between making kebabs and pasta salad and hemming Catherine's dress...
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Russians
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
1) Student failed for plagiarizing a final paper stands outside our advisor's office and makes a phone call in which she is heard to say the following:
"I need you to come down here and explain to them that when you read that stuff to me over the phone that I typed into my paper, you were taking it from the internet......" Because that in her view would exonerate her....
Shortly followed by: "No, I don't want my money back...."
2) Had the joy of being interviewed by an investigator from the Utah Labor Antidiscrimination Board about a certain plagiarist of the more mature variety... apparently his troubles had nothing to do with his actions but evidenced a pro-Arabist plot on the part of yours truly and others.
3) Am considering kidnapping my sister Alison who is gifted with a strong decluttering gene so that she can help me move offices this summer. This would be the moment to get rid of photocopied articles from graduate school...
4) Had to inform faculty member that no, he could not tell a student she was barred from majoring in Chinese because it is her native language. His response, "don't we have a department policy against this?" Nope, and you have been here longer than me and were even Director of Undergraduate Studies for two years.
Coming tomorrow - birthday pictures of Catherine's 18th.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
check up
Monday, April 23, 2012
Summer already
Friday, April 20, 2012
the great traveling spate ends
We have been engaging in serious dieting thanks to my old high school friend Joan who is our coach. We both decided to enter this summer looking fabulous so stay tuned.
To this end, I bought a treadmill yesterday which was delivered and is ENORMOUS. I have it in the garage as we contemplate how and where to put it in the house. The plan was to put it in the basement so we can watch TV, but I think we will end up banging our heads on the rather low ceiling....
Catherine is so dedicated that she used it in the garage yesterday.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
choosing actions consistent with your goals is a path to happiness, unto itself.
I am a writer
Dear Jane F. Hacking,
> Thank you for participating in the 2012 Summer Literary Seminars
> <> Unified Literary Contest. It was our largest and
> strongest contest to date, with 1600 submissions received from every
> corner of North America and the rest of the world. The results have now
> been posted on our website: <>
> .
> As indicated previously, we are offering a number of merit-based
> fellowships to the contestants whose work placed beyond the mean of this
> year's submissions. Our judges were strongly impressed with the work you
> submitted, and we are pleased to offer you an SLS fellowship, in the
> amount of a 30% tuition waiver. This offer is being extended to the thirty
> final runners-up in the respective categories of fiction, poetry, and
> non-fiction.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Welcome back
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tale of Hotels
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Things I had forgotten about Canada
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
odds and ends
Friday, February 17, 2012
From around the office
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day - blech
Monday, January 30, 2012
Where is everyone?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Oh, so I am not the only one
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Just in time
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
tick tock, when am I no longer chair?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I should provide pictures
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
new term, more fun
thank you for the e-mail asking me about my situation.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012